Non-Degree Students

Non-degree enrollment status is for students who wish to take courses but do not plan to pursue a degree or certificate. 

Financial aid

Non-degree students do not qualify for financial aid.

How to apply

After you submit the non-degree application using the online application system, please allow one week for processing.

Apply for fall 2025 and later

Apply for spring or summer 2025

Non-Degree Application Deadlines:

  • Winter 2025: Dec. 20, 2024
  • Spring 2025: March 17, 2025
  • Summer 2025: July 29, 2025
  • Fall 2025: Sept. 7, 2025
  • Winter 2026: Nov. 28, 2025

Admission requirements

Non-degree enrollment status does not have formal entrance requirements, with the exception that non-degree graduate admission requires a prior bachelor’s degree. A non-degree application for admission and a $35 non-refundable application fee are required. Non-degree enrollment does not guarantee later degree-seeking admission to the university. Students wishing to apply for full admission later should refer to the instructions for graduate admissions.

Computer science applicants

Non-degree applicants planning to enroll in computer science online courses must contact the program prior to applying. For additional information, please refer to Professional Computer Science Online Degree on the EECS website.

Non-degree graduate status

Students with completed bachelor’s degrees are admitted under the non-degree graduate status, regardless of the level of classes in which they plan to enroll. Applicants without bachelor’s degrees can be admitted as non-degree undergraduate students.

Students who wish to seek later admission to a degree-seeking program should be aware that credit(s) taken under non-degree status may not apply toward that degree program. Students must complete academic residency requirements after full admission to degree-seeking status, regardless of the number of credits completed under non-degree status. Courses to be applied to the graduate degree must be approved by the student’s major professor and the Graduate School. Detailed information regarding transfer credit policies is in the Graduate Catalog. Please direct questions to the Graduate School.

International students

Students currently in the U.S. on a visa should be aware that only certain visa types allow individuals to pursue part-time or non-degree seeking coursework; consequences of enrolling may result in failure to maintain visa status. Questions can be directed to the Office of International Services.

Summer term

Credit hours are not restricted for non-degree students during summer term.

Readmission and continued enrollment

Admission as a non-degree student is for a specific term. Failure to enroll during the initial term of admission will cause the record to become inactive. If a student is unable to attend the first term and/or wishes to enroll later, please contact the Graduate School for further instructions.

After taking classes in during the first term of admission, non-degree student records remain active for four terms. A second application is not required unless a non-degree student failed to enroll in the first term, or has not enrolled for four consecutive terms. Once a non-degree student record has gone inactive, a new application for non-degree admission is required.

ONID account

Upon admission non-degree students will receive an email containing an OSU ID number. At that time students must establish an ONID account using their OSU ID. ONID stands for OSU Network Identifier. An ONID username is automatically generated and assigned based upon a combination of the student’s last name followed by the first name as listed in university records and is limited to 8 characters. The ONID is NOT the same as the 9-digit OSU ID number. In addition, students must also register for DUO. DUO provides secure two-step mobile verification for access to student records. (The ONID account must be activated before signing up for DUO).


Non-degree students follow registration procedures and policies as outlined in the OSU Catalog. Complete information and instructions are located in the Registrar's Handbook. Please view the Priority Registration Schedule to find dates available for non-degree registration.

The OSU online registration system is accessed from the Beaver Hub portal. An active ONID ID and DUO account are required to access the portal.

If the desired class has prerequisites, or other registration restrictions, the student must contact the instructor for that course to request a registration override. Contact information is in the Schedule of Classes.

Non-degree students may be required to take placement tests or provide transcripts from previously attended colleges in order to verify completion and/or grade(s) of past course work prior to enrolling in certain OSU courses.

Grade and transcript information

Non-degree students receive grades, are reviewed according to university standards of good academic progress, and are provided with academic records. Please visit the Office of the Registrar’s website for instructions on how to order official transcripts online.

GAP number

Your GAP (General Access Pin) is a secure number known only to you. It allows you to access your student record. The GAP is initially set to your birth date, formatted as mmddyy. Upon initial access to the OSU Web student services system, you will be asked to change this number to a unique six-digit number.

PIN numbers

Ecampus non-degree students must complete the Ecampus online orientation to receive a PIN number required before registering.

Corvallis campus students do not need a PIN to register.

If you are a former OSU undergraduate student and the system requires a PIN, please contact the Office of the Registrar to correct the issue.

Tuition and fees

Non-degree students enrolled for eight or fewer credits are assessed tuition and fees at resident rates based on the undergraduate or graduate level of the course. Enrollment in excess of eight credits results in tuition and fee assessment at the rate for a regularly enrolled, degree-seeking student at the resident or non-resident rate assigned to the student.

Summer term tuition is assessed according to the tuition and fees schedule on the Summer Session website.

Non-degree students are charged the Mandatory Building and Incidental Fees. To be eligible to use Student Health Services, non-degree students must pay the Student Health Service fee and Counseling Service fee.

Ecampus Tuition and Fees are assessed at the rate of the course.

Additional information can be found on these webpages: Tuition, Fees and Payment and Tuition & Fees.

Student identification card

Students registered for Corvallis campus classes are expected to obtain a Student Identification Card. An OSU ID card is optional for Ecampus students.

Immunization records

Non-degree students are required to submit their Immunization Record and Health History Form to the Student Health Center if they intend to attend classes on campus.