About the Graduate School

About the Graduate School

Mission Statement

The Graduate School plays a leadership and advocacy role to ensure that OSU attracts the best graduate students and delivers a compelling and high-quality graduate experience that prepares them to create new ideas and knowledge, to educate others, to make positive impacts on society, and to lead innovation.

  • 4,700+

    Graduate students

  • 100+

    Graduate programs

  • 300+


Projects and Initiatives

Strategic Plan

This strategic plan was developed during the 2019-20 academic year through extensive campus engagement. The five main themes are: creatively expand our support for students, strengthen core competencies and transferrable skills, promote interdisciplinary opportunities, innovate how we reach and serve, and pursue a robust portfolio of graduate programs.

Student Success

Our student success team creates information, resources, and programming to enhance graduate student retention, completion, and professional skills.

Holistic Admissions

Our goal is to support programs as they transition to using holistic admissions during their student selection process.

Graduate Education Toolkit

The GET project creates software applications for use by the graduate community.

Graduate Student Organizations

Oregon State currently has over 50 recognized student organizations graduate students can join. These clubs are an excellent way for students to find and build community while at Oregon State.

Interdisciplinary Programs

The Graduate School is the academic home of several interdisciplinary programs for the university. When an academic specialty doesn't fit within the bounds of a traditional college, we provide support.

The Graduate Council

The Graduate Council has jurisdiction over the policies, procedures and requirements of graduate education. The Council establishes and revises admission standards, basic degree requirements, and general policies; approves all graduate faculty members, new programs, and courses; and periodically reviews all existing graduate programs. The creation of specific requirements of graduate programs and of individual student's programs are the responsibilities of the academic units, however, no academic unit has authority to waive or supersede the general policies of the Graduate Council.

Learn more on the Graduate Council Website

Graduate Admissions Committee

The Graduate Admissions Committee acts on appealed applications for admission to the Graduate School. Candidates are considered on the basis of the undergraduate record and the preparation for graduate work, with special reference to the particular field desired. The Committee consists of eight Faculty members, at least seven of whom are Graduate Faculty members from different colleges, with the Director of Admissions, ex-officio, non-voting. The committee members should be selected to ensure adequate representation of international education. The Chair of the Graduate Admissions Committee shall be a liaison member, non-voting, on the Graduate Council.

More information may be found on the Graduate Admissions Committee Website.