Graduate School Newsletter - 2024-01-01T00:00:00

In this issue:

  • Grad Writing Group Challenge 2024!
  • Navigating Conflict Workshop for Graduate Students (Corvallis campus only)
  • GRAD classes in the winter term
  • Career preparation events
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory research opportunity
  • Open office hours for Grad School IT
  • Library workshops for faculty and graduate students
  • Center for Teaching and Learning

From the Graduate School

Grad Writing Group Challenge 2024!

Meet your writing goals this winter by bringing colleagues together and joining the Grad Writing Group Challenge! The challenge is for you to form a peer-to-peer writing group and meet with them at least four times in February.

Whether you are forming a group to work on your thesis or dissertation, grant or job applications, or coursework, we hope these meetings motivate you to write. We created a quick start guide to help get your group going, including how to give writing feedback.

All registered groups who complete the challenge will be entered to win a prize.

Ready to write? Read the quick start guide and register your group on our website.

Navigating Conflict Workshop for Graduate Students (Corvallis campus only)

Conflict doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Michael Steinberg, University Ombuds, will discuss how conflict can positively affect working relationships and outcomes within the graduate context. We will also discuss getting relationships and projects back on track when conflict becomes a barrier to success. Scenarios will be discussed, and participation is encouraged. Facilitated by Michael Steinberg, University Ombuds

When: 2 to 4 p.m. PT, Jan. 24, 2024
Where: Paddle Tail Classroom, Valley Library 6420.

Please email [email protected] to register for this workshop. Capacity is limited to 24 students.

GRAD classes in the winter term

Most GRAD classes for the winter term are full, but there's still room in GRAD 516 if teaching this term.

GRAD 516 - Graduate Teaching Seminar (1 credit, online)

This is a 1-credit, just-in-time pedagogy and teaching support course for OSU Graduate Teaching Assistants. This course will support GTAs and other graduate students across OSU's academic disciplines who teach site-based, hybrid, and online courses. The course focuses on evidence-based pedagogical practices emphasizing practical strategies and problem-solving and is tuned to graduate students' needs and the classes they are instructing.

Career preparation events

Did you know you can access career training webinars through our institutional subscription with Beyond the Professoriate (doctoral) and Beyond Graduate School (master's)? Find answers to job search questions, register to attend a workshop, or browse their career video library to hear how other graduate students have moved into meaningful and rewarding careers.

See below for a list of upcoming November webinars, and register to attend live or receive the replay.

Beyond Graduate School (master's)

What Employers Value About Your Degree - In this webinar, you'll learn how to articulate what matters most about your degree and strategies you can use to confidently communicate your value to employers. The webinar will include a live Q&A where attendees can receive answers to their specific questions.

When: 1 p.m. PT, Jan. 31
Where: Online, Register

Beyond the Professoriate (doctoral)

What Can I Do With My Ph.D. - Join Beyond the Professoriate in this upcoming webinar to learn how to construct your Optimal Career Pathway, a metric to determine what kinds of jobs will provide you with meaningful, intellectually challenging work.

When: 9 a.m. PT, Jan 14
Where: Online, Register

3 Common Mistakes PhDs Make in Their Job Search - Join us for this upcoming webinar, where you'll learn the common mistakes we see PhDs make repeatedly when starting their job searches. You'll learn what strategies PhDs used that eventually led to their successful career transition and how you can apply these strategies to your job search.

When: 9 a.m., Jan. 31
Where: Online, Register

Career workshops from the OSU Career Development Center

Need help creating a resume, cover letter, or government application that stands out? Wondering how to gain experience in your dream field when you're already working a full-time job? Come network, learn, and explore possibilities for your future career at one of the Winter 2024 Getting a Dam Job workshops! Corvallis campus and Ecampus students in all majors are welcome; all workshops are offered in virtual or hybrid formats.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory research opportunity

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Oregon State University Distinguished Graduate Research Program (DGRP) is a four-year opportunity designed to provide collaborative research and training to OSU graduate students. Students selected to participate in the program will benefit from having the expertise of graduate committee members from both organizations and access to the world-class research infrastructure at OSU and PNNL.

The DGRP is open to full-time first- and second-year doctoral students at OSU who are enrolled in STEM and related science and engineering graduate programs.

The nomination period begins on Nov. 15, 2023. Completed nominations must be submitted by 5 p.m., Feb. 19, 2024, for full consideration. The Graduate School will notify nominees in early April 2024 as to the status of their application.

Open office hours for Grad School IT

Do you need help with a Graduate School service, page, or form? Are you a current Oregon State student, faculty, or staff? Join us for real-time assistance.

When: Tuesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. (PT)

From our Partners

Library workshops for faculty and graduate students

OSU Libraries and Press offer a variety of workshops on topics relating to research, literature reviews, and data management. This winter term, they are offering workshops on:

  • Zotero and citation management
  • Researching for a literature review
  • Intro to R (no coding experience needed)
  • Qualtrics for making surveys
  • Intro to GIS with QGIS
  • Adobe Illustrator for scientific figures

Get the complete list of workshops.

Center for Teaching and Learning

Quality Teaching Talks

QT Talks are 50-minute interactive presentations that focus on the research, pedagogical approaches, and exemplars to integrate the three principles in OSU's Quality Teaching Framework into teaching.

All presentations are from 11 to 11:50 a.m. PT, LINC 343 and Zoom.


  • Jan. 23 - Creating an Inclusive Classroom: Difference, Power, and Oppression Model, Kali Furman, Ph.D.
  • Feb. 6 - Learning Together: Guiding Students to Engage Students in Active Learning, Nate Kirk, Ph.D. & Devon Quick, Ph.D.
  • Feb. 20 - Mentoring and Supporting Students in Experiential Learning, Kenneth C. Walsh, Ph.D.