Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Graduate Education at Oregon State

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Graduate Education at Oregon State


OSU’s strategic plan emphasizes that:

Our success in research, innovation, education and engagement depends on how well we value and engage the rich diversity of our entire community … [and on] providing access to high quality, affordable education that rests on our research and engagement missions and is inclusive of diverse people and ideas.

The Graduate School and its key partners — the colleges and graduate programs — are committed to ensuring justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion through a portfolio of initiatives and resources.

Questions? Email us at [email protected]




Holistic Graduate Admissions

Holistic admissions is a process where scholarly and personal achievements are considered along with, or in lieu of, standardized tests or GPA as a proxy for graduate education readiness. The Graduate School works with the individual graduate programs to encourage holistic admissions procedures as graduate admissions processes vary across Oregon State and graduate programs set their own application review procedures. Many graduate programs at OSU use holistic approaches to admissions and more are adopting the practice each year.

Learn more about our holistic admissions initiative.


Graduate Summer Step

Graduate Summer Step is a multi-day program designed to facilitate the transition to graduate school for students of color, low-income students, first-generation students, and undocumented students.


Graduate Faculty Training

OSU has partnered with the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research to create a training program in culturally aware mentorship.


Awards and Funding for Students

Graduate Application Fee Waivers - These waivers support graduate applicants, who are low-income or participants of scholar programs such as Ford Family Foundation, Gates Millennium, GEM, LSAMP, MARC U-STAR, McNair, RISE, or TRIO SSS, to achieve their pursuit of graduate education.

Dreamers and Undocumented Graduate Students - As federal student loans are not an option, this page lists some ideas and options for helping to pay for a graduate degree.

Prestigious Diversity Fellowship - This fellowship is intended to support the recruitment and retention of graduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who demonstrate scholarly promise at OSU.

Promising Scholar Fellowship - This award is intended to support the recruitment of graduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who demonstrate scholarly promise at OSU. Eligible nominees must have participated in scholar programs that support undergraduate students from low income, first generation, and/or historically underrepresented backgrounds in their pursuit for graduate education

Graduate School Co-Sponsorship - This award is designated for graduate programs, administrative units, or recognized graduate student groups to support their programming efforts around skill development, faculty engagement/mentoring, and diversity and inclusion efforts with direct impacts on the graduate student community.




Are you experiencing discrimination or harassment? Please contact Equal Opportunity and Access.


OSU Diversity and Cultural Engagement (DCE) Office

The Diversity and Cultural Engagement Office provides centers, programs and initiatives to help you build a more inclusive and just community.


DCE Cultural Centers

  • Asian & Pacific Cultural Center
  • Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center
  • Centro Cultural César Chávez
  • Ettihad Cultural Center
  • Native American Longhouse Eena Haws
  • Pride Center
  • Hattie Redmond Women and Gender Center

Learn more about OSU Cultural Centers


Programs and Initiatives by DCE

Learn more about DCE’s programs and initiatives.


Office of Institutional Diversity

  • State of Diversity 2023
  • Taking Action: A biannual magazine dedicated to sharing stories from a variety of perspectives highlighting the rich diversity of equity work at the university.
  • Pride Month: The Pride Month webpage from OID lists many institutional resources to support LGBTQ+ students.


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS is committed to supporting the success and mental well-being of BIPOC students. Visit the CAPS BIPOC Mental Well-Being Resources webpage.

Find resources and support services for LGBTQ+ students from CAPS.


Office of International Services

International students should explore the information at the Office of International Services. The office has an international peer mentorship program and international friendship program and other ways to get involved and build community at OSU.


Disability Access Services

Disability Access Services provides accommodations, resources and coaching to enhance student success at OSU. They work with campus partners to create an inclusive living and learning environment for our students.


Office of the President


Opportunities for Graduate Students to Get Involved and Build Community


Ecampus Student Communities


Graduate Academic Programs, Courses and Resources


Offices on Campus