Student Funding Information for Faculty

On this page:

This page provides details on the most common sources of funding for graduate students. For a general overview of funding types please watch our funding options for graduate students video.


Graduate fellowships provide financial support to graduate students without a commensurate service requirement. Learn the different types of fellowships and find fellowship policies on our fellowship page.

In 2018, OSU developed a program to appoint Alternatively-Funded Graduate Fellowships, whereby external fellowships that do not meet all of the Graduate Fellow definition requirements above may be granted Graduate Fellow status. In order to meet appointment requirements, the department of the graduate student must use internal resources to meet missing fellowship requirements. Learn more about the Alternatively-Funded Graduate Fellowship Program.

Before beginning the paperwork process or providing the offer letter to the student, the responsible group should first confirm that all requirements are met for the Graduate Fellow appointment as found on the fellowship policy page and with our Director of Financial Support. Offer letters for fellowships are provided by the Graduate School and not HR.

For students looking for funding external to Oregon State, the Graduate School maintains a list of external fellowships.


The Graduate School manages and distributes graduate funding awards on behalf of the university.

Students are nominated for Graduate School awards by their program as defined by major code. Please work with your program to have your student considered for nomination.


Our Graduate Assistantship page covers the definition of a GA, appointment guidelines, eligibility, and more. There are special language requirements for international students who become graduate teaching assistants. Please review the International Graduate Teaching Assistants page for instructions and the Graduate Council policy.

The Collective Bargaining Agreement between Oregon State and the Collalition of Graduate Employees (CGE) covers graduate assistants at Oregon State. The Office of Human Resources has the agreement available on their website along with other resources including offer letters, FAQs and evaluation forms.

Please use the model letters provided by the Office of Human Resources for letters of offer, renewals, assignments of work and employee evaluations.

Tax considerations

Summer graduate assistant employees must register at half-time status to avoid having FICA taxes (Social Security and Medicare) withheld from their paychecks. For graduate students, the minimum is 5 credits. Payroll questions should be directed to your Business Center or Central Payroll.

Tuition waivers

Besides graduate assistantships, tuition waivers are granted according to the following main tuition support programs:

  • OSU Foundation Fellowship Tuition Support Program
  • Training grants
  • Targeted scholarships

Learn about these programs on the tuition support program webpage.

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