

Fund your next student success initiative with help from the Graduate School.

The Graduate School offers consultation and matching funds for supporting graduate student success initiatives through co-sponsorships.

We offer co-sponsorships for:

   Professional development workshops

   Large-scale events

   Innovative tools and resources

Proposals from academic units, administrative units, or recognized student groups are eligible. Collaborations among schools, departments, programs and colleges are highly encouraged.

   Up to $250 for student groups

   Up to $1000 for graduate program-, college- or university-level proposals


Your proposal must include one of the following criteria:

  • Enhances skill development in any of the following areas: career skills, writing and communication, leadership and management, research and ethics, teaching and facilitation, or graduate student life and wellness.
  • Advances diversity and inclusion efforts with direct impact on the graduate student community.
  • Improves faculty engagement or the quality of mentorship of graduate students.
  • Contributes to the timely degree completion of graduate students.

Priority will be given to new initiatives, or to expansions of existing initiatives.

Fund restrictions

Funds cannot be used to pay for an individual student’s time, travel, conference registration, professional development or other individual student activities.

Host group responsibilities

Responsibilities of your group include the following:

  • Provide matching funds
  • List the Graduate School as a co-sponsor on promotional materials
  • Coordinate all logistics for events and initiatives
  • Provide participation and evaluation data to the Graduate School
  • Submit your request with at least 30 days of notice

Additional services

In addition to matching funds, the Graduate School can help design programming to better serve your graduate students. We can supply you with sample marketing materials, registrations, and evaluations of program or college level workshops. If relevant to the broader graduate student community, we will assist in the promotion of your activity.


Questions or comments? Email Graduate Student Success.

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