Student Progress Information for Faculty

The current students section of our website contains information on deadlines, program of study, commencement and more for students. The following sections provide additional information from the Catalog and other sections of our website that may be of interest to faculty and advisors.

Sample documents

The Graduate School has provided sample documents as a resource for faculty and advisors.

Grievance procedures

All students desiring to appeal matters relating to their graduate education should read the Grievance Procedures for Graduate Students. Graduate assistants, whose terms and conditions of employment are prescribed by the collective bargaining agreement between Oregon State and the Coalition of Graduate Employees, American Federation of Teachers Local 6069, should also refer to that document.

Grade requirements

The Graduate School sets minimum levels of grade point averages. Individual programs may have more stringent requirements.

A grade-point average of 3.00 (a B-average) is required:

  1. For all courses taken as a degree-seeking graduate student
  2. For all courses included in the graduate degree or graduate certificate program of study
  3. Before the final oral or written exam

An individual course with a grade below a C (2.00) cannot be used on a graduate program of study. Likewise, all graduate-level prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C. Courses from another institution (transfer courses) must have an earned grade of B minus or better to be included on a graduate program of study.

Program of study

Master's and doctoral students submit a program of study within certain earned credit deadlines. Doctoral and MAIS students are required to hold a formal meeting with their committee before submitting the program of study. Our program of study page has details on how to create a program of study and how to submit it. The forms page is where you will find the form itself.

Incomplete grades

All incomplete course work appearing on the program of study must be completed prior to scheduling the final oral examination.

Academic dishonesty

Academic dishonesty and other violations of the Student Conduct Code may serve as grounds for dismissal from the Graduate School.

Leave of Absences

For information on students taking leave, please see the student registration page.

Documenting Student Progress

Program directors and interested faculty should check out the student progress information for programs page to learn more about documenting satisfactory progress.