Student Progress Information for Programs

All advanced-degree students (including regularly, conditionally, and provisionally admitted) are expected to make satisfactory progress toward a specific academic degree. This includes

  • Maintaining a GPA of 3.00 or better for all courses taken as a graduate student and for courses included in the graduate program.
  • Participating in a creative activity such as a thesis. Additional details on satisfactory progress as defined by the Graduate School are found in the Graduate Catalog section on dismissal.
  • Meeting departmental or program requirements.

Many programs have program-specific guidelines for satisfactory progressThe following process is recommended for programs to use in the development of program-specific satisfactory progress guidelines:

  • The program develops satisfactory progress guidelines.
  • The program notifies students of the guidelines in a booklet or on a program website.
  • The program evaluates the progress of students regularly (at least annually, preferably more often).
  • The program informs students who are deficient in meeting satisfactory progress guidelines of their deficiencies and explains steps needed to comply with the guidelines.
  • If deficiencies persist, the program notifies the student in writing (letter, memo or email) that the student is being recommended to the Graduate School for dismissal.
  • The Graduate School sets a registration hold on the student.
  • The student may appeal to the program for reconsideration or may apply for admission to a different degree program. If the appeal is successful or if the student is accepted into a different program, the registration hold is removed.

Sample documents for download for reference and template

Graduate faculty members should check out the student progress for faculty page to learn more about student leave, grade requirements and more.