Student Handbook and Graduate Learning Outcomes for the Environmental Science Graduate Program

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Graduate Learning Outcomes

Read the Graduate Learning Outcomes for the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program.

Graduate Learning Outcomes


ESGP Advisory Board

Learn about the duties and members of the current ESGP Advisory Board.

Scholarly activities ethics requirements

A learning outcome of master's and Ph.D. programs at Oregon State requires that students are able to conduct scholarly activities in an ethical manner. The course GRAD 520 is one way to satisfy this university requirement. Students can also take other courses that cover ethics as a topic. One example is GEOG 564, GEOSPATIAL PERSPECTIVES ON INTELLIGENCE, SECURITY, AND ETHICS (3 credits) currently offered on campus and online.

Another option is to complete the online CITI training program, Responsible Conduct of Research for All Disciplines Course that is free for OSU students.

If you choose the CITI Training Program option to fulfill the ethics requirement, please sign up with your OSU credentials. Once you are finished send a copy of the certificate to Renee Freeman at [email protected] . Please also indicate how you chose to satisfy the ethics requirement on your program of study planning template.

Instructions for accessing required ethical training on the CITI website

  1. Go to
  2. Register as a new user by clicking on the white “Register” box near the upper right-hand corner of CITI’s homepage.
  3. Complete the seven-step, online CITI-Learner Registration process
    1. Step 1: Enter “Oregon State University” in the box where you are asked to “Select Your Organization Affiliation”
    2. Step 2: Enter your personal information being sure to use your e-mail address. This way OSU will pay for your course fees for any training you take on the CITI website. Do not use a personal e-mail or you will be charged for the courses you complete.
    3. Steps 3-7 are self-explanatory.
  4. Log into your CITI account.
  5. Upon login, choose the dropdown menu item listed as “Oregon State University Course.”
  6. Under the heading, “My Learner Tools for Oregon State University” choose “Add a Course.”
  7. Answer Questions 1-3 and Question 6 as “Not at this time,” leave Question 4 unanswered, and choose “Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course” for your answer to Question 5, and hit the Submit button at the bottom of the curriculum selection form.
  8. Now a course entitled “Responsible Conduct of Research (All Disciplines)” should be listed in your Oregon State University Courses dropdown, click on the title of the course.
  9. Click on the “Complete the Integrity Assurance Statement before beginning this course” box.
  10. Read and agree to the assurance statement and other for accessing CITI Program materials and submit the form.
  11. Complete the seven modules within the Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course.

Upon completion of the entire course you will see a message that tells you that a completion report has been sent to Oregon State University. That report goes to OSU’s Office Research Integrity. Please send a copy of the certificate to Renee Freeman at [email protected] so we have a record on file.