Duties of your Major Professor and Committee

Major professor

Your major professor is the committee member from your major field who serves as your primary academic advisor, your principal thesis advisor, and the general mentor for your academic program of study and your research.

Some common duties of a major professor include:

  • Help students define their interests and choose appropriate course work.
  • Help the student select and set up their graduate committee.
  • Work with the student and graduate committee to see that all requirements are met.
  • Provide specific suggestions on designing and carrying out thesis research.
  • Provide or help students find funding for graduate studies. In addition, promptly advise students of duration and conditions related to employment or other support offered (e.g., how long it is likely to last, what level of performance is required for continued support). If available funds are insufficient to support the student through completion of the degree, provide counsel about alternative funding sources.
  • Alert students to job opportunities after graduation, and help them make the necessary professional acquaintances to enhance their chances of success.
  • When appropriate, guide and mentor students regarding additional resources and career and personal decisions affecting their professional development.

Graduate committee

M.S. thesis

The graduate committee consists of four members of the graduate faculty - two in the major field, one in the minor field if a minor is included, and a Graduate Council representative. When a minor is not included, the fourth member may be from the graduate faculty at large.

M.S. Non-thesis

The graduate committee consists of three members of the graduate faculty - two in the major field and one in the minor field if a minor is included. When a minor is not included, the third member may be from the graduate faculty at large.


The graduate committee consists of five members of the graduate faculty - three in the major field and one in the minor field if a minor is included, and a Graduate Council representative. When a minor is not included, the fifth member may be from the graduate faculty at large.