The Graduate Council Representative (GCR) is the member of your committee who acts on behalf of the Graduate Council to ensure that the policies, procedures and standards are upheld for events leading toward your degree. As such, the GCR is a neutral member of your committee who is not directly affiliated with your major or minor department. The GCR is a full voting member of your committee and should be accorded the same advance notice for arranging meetings and reviewing theses and/or papers as other committee members.

Please select your Major(s) and Minor(s) (or your three fields if you are a MAIS student). Then select your Degree. Enter your OSU ID number, and click the Get List button below to generate a list of potential GCRs (approved faculty who have expressed an interest in your area(s)) for your committee.

You can save the results page as a PDF by going to Print in your browser and selecting PDF for the printer destination or name. (A known issue exists for Firefox. It will only recognize the first page for printing and PDF creation, causing your second page to be missing from the PDF or printout. Please use a different browser.)

Note: You are allowed to generate only one GCR list per day. If you have requested a list within the past 24 hours, you must wait until it has been at least 24 hours since your last request.

If you have a minor, your minor professor can not serve as your Graduate Council Representative. Please do not contact your minor professor to serve as your GCR if their name appears on the list.

Required questions marked with


OSU ID (9 digits only, no dashes):

Major (or MAIS Field 1):

Minor (or MAIS Field 2, or Second Major):

Minor (or MAIS Field 3, or Second Minor, or Minor for a Dual-Major):


(Please click button only once; it may take a few seconds to generate the list.)