Minimum academic requirements for acceptance to a graduate program:

Academic credentials

One of the following academic credentials are required:

  • 4 year Bachelor's degree
  • GCE A Levels plus 3 year Bachelor's degree
  • A professional degree signifying completion of a 4-year equivalent degree relating to a specific career; for example: Law, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Medical or Dental fields (if available in your country)

Minimum grades

One of the following grading scales are required:

  • A cumulative average GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (B average)
  • A cumulative average of 60% out of 100% (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology)
  • A cumulative average of 70% out of 100% where 40% is the lowest passing grade
  • Percentage or grade equal to Second Class Honours; Upper Division
  • Grading scales vary, please refer to the grading scale on your transcript.
The OSU Graduate School uses a variety of resources to determine degree and grade equivalencies. Please note that the information above is not complete, but rather represents the most common credentials and grading scales we receive from this country. Equivalencies are subject to change without notice.

English proficiency

The English language proficiency requirement is waived.