In this issue:

  • Grad Welcome Week
  • Graduate School awards in August
  • Graduate School IT open office hours
  • Thesis and dissertation writing course
  • Introduction to Research Data Management Planning
  • Annual Contemplative Retreat
  • COVID vaccination event at MU
  • Beaver Community Fair 2022
  • Career Webinars by Beyond the Professoriate


From the Graduate School

Grad Welcome Week

Grad Welcome Week 2022 is September 12, 13, and 14. All graduate students are invited to attend. A detailed schedule and registration links are on our website.

  • Monday, Sept 12 - Graduate School orientation, resource fair, and international student orientation
  • Tuesday, Sept 13 - Library Day
  • Wednesday, Sept 14 - Graduate Teaching Assistant and International Graduate Teaching Assistant orientation

Graduate School awards opening and with deadlines in August

Please reference the information below for upcoming award deadlines and awards opening in August.

*Please note this is a loan of up to $5,000

The Graduate School has several awards considered on an ongoing and rolling basis students can apply to directly:

Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

Graduate School IT open office hours

Are you having a technical issue with a Graduate School service, page or form? Are you a current Oregon State student, faculty or staff? Join us for real-time help.

When: Every Thursday, 9 to 10:30 a.m. (PT)

From our partners

Thesis and dissertation writing course this fall: Spots still available

WR 573 assists students who are in the writing stages of their thesis or dissertation. We will identify the expectations in your respective fields, analyze how they are met through writing, and develop achievable plans to meet those expectations. The course also emphasizes the cultivation of productive, healthy habits of writing, including strategies for self-assessment and for managing the mental and physical stresses that accompany such a major project. We will have group discussions, workshops, and individual conferences with the instructor. 3 credits, TR 4-5:20 p.m., remote, CRN: 19632.

Introduction to Research Data Management Planning

Do you create or use data in your research? Looking for tips and tools to better help you manage and share your data? The OSU Library is offering Introduction to Research Data Management Planning, an asynchronous online workshop for OSU community members. The last workshop this summer will be Aug. 22–25. In fall term, the workshop is held Oct. 10–13. Register at

Annual Contemplative Retreat: Nature, Connection and Tools for Well-Being

The Contemplative Studies Initiative is hosting a non-residential retreat for yoga, meditation and reflection Sept. 2-4 in Philomath. Friday 5-8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., including a daily meal. Most sessions will be held in open-air, covered spaces. Community: $200, OSU Employee: $150, OSU Students: Free. Learn more and register.

COVID vaccination event at MU

Get a 'dose' of summer! The Beaver Booster Blitz is a FREE two-day clinic open to the public Aug. 15-16, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in MU 62. Most COVID-19 vaccine doses are available, including additional boosters and pediatric doses. Visit for more information.

Beaver Community Fair 2022

Registration is open for the Beaver Community Fair. Annually, the Fair draws together the OSU and greater Corvallis communities to celebrate the start of the academic year. This year's event will be Sept. 30, noon to 4 p.m., in the Memorial Quad & SEC Plaza. Event information and registration. Registration closes Sept. 12. Questions? Contact [email protected].

Career Webinars by Beyond the Professoriate

How to write an academic CV.

When: 9 a.m. (PT), Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022
Where: Register for the webinar

Your CV serves as a comprehensive record of your educational background, teaching experience, academic research, and scholarly service. This document represents your academic credentials when applying for postdoctoral positions or for faculty positions at four-year institutions.

Join the Beyond Prof team to learn how to write an academic CV that will help you stand out in the hiring process. After attending the webinar, you will be able to:

  • Define the purpose of the CV in the faculty application package.
  • Describe the components of an academic CV and the appropriate format.
  • Create a plan for writing, updating and maintaining your academic CV.
  • Identify resources in the Beyond Prof training platform that can help you write your academic CV.


Graduating this year? Here's what you need to know about preparing for a nonacademic job search.

When: 9 a.m. (PT), Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022
Where: Register for the webinar

You're graduating this year and considering going on the academic job market AND applying for nonacademic jobs. But you're not sure about what a nonacademic job search will take, and you don't know where to begin.

Join the Beyond the Professoriate team in this webinar where you'll learn how to plan and prepare well in advance so that you can make a successful career transition. Because here's the thing: a successful career transition into a nonacademic job takes planning and preparation. Start now and you'll be confident in your decision and knowledgeable about the steps you need to take.

After attending this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of the stages of Ph.D. Career Transition.
  • Identify the components and timelines of an effective job search.
  • Develop SMART goals and a plan of action for your job search.
  • Identify resources in the Beyond Prof training platform that can help you in your job search.