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In the Political Science program, you'll learn the ideas of great political thinkers, controversies involved in issues as current as the front page of today's newspapers, and everything in between. You will have engaging discussions and debates from all points of view in class, with students and professors. You'll learn to think critically, write clearly and speak persuasively. You'll learn the stories behind the headlines and how to find the information to make up your own mind about issues as diverse as assisted suicide, international terrorism, campaign finance, or censorship.
Graduate work in political science may serve as a field of study for a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies degree or as a minor in other advanced degree programs.
This program aims to provide a systematic understanding of political processes, institutions, theories, and behavior. Students are strongly urged to acquire competence in statistics and computer data processing as aids in analyzing political phenomena. A program of study suited to the student’s individual interests is arranged with a faculty advisor.