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The graduate minor in Biological Data Sciences will familiarize M.S. and Ph.D. graduate students in the life sciences with research concepts and methodologies in quantitative sciences, and those in the quantitative sciences with research concepts and methodologies in life sciences.
The disciplinary learning goals of the minor are by nature foundational. Thus, for example, students with advanced expertise in life sciences would receive foundational training in computer science, statistics and/or mathematics. Students with advanced expertise in computer science would receive foundational training in life science, statistics and, if needed, mathematics.
A capstone collaborative problem-solving course will be required by all students. Students may complete all the course work in a single year (encouraged), or may choose spread the courses out over several years. With approval by the director of the minor, students may receive credit for courses taken for their major.
The minor is open to both M.S. and Ph.D. students. Ph.D. students must complete at least 18 credits for the minor and M.S. students must complete 15 credits.