Graduate Student Advisory Council members 2018

The Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) provides a graduate student perspective on topics related to the graduate student experience. The GSAC serves as a focus group for the Graduate School, student affairs and other administrative units at Oregon State University.

As graduate student leaders, members represent their affiliated colleges, programs, and student organizations. They are frequently called upon to participate in a variety of university initiatives where graduate student voices are needed.

If your unit on campus can benefit from input from GSAC members, please reach out to Ashleigh Anderson to schedule a meeting.



College of Education

  • Candice Clark, Science Education
  • Faran Saeed, Education

College of Engineering

  • Ashley Berninghaus, Environmental Engineering
  • Taylor Dinkins, Computer Science

College of Forestry

  • Claudio Guevara Diaz, Sustainable Forest Management
  • Skye Greenler, Sustainable Forest Management
  • Ray (Rachel) Van Court, Wood Science

College of Liberal Arts

  • Rafael Robles, Psychology

College of Health

  • Nancy Vargas, Public Health
  • Fatima Al-Ghadban, Public Health

College of Pharmacy

  • Xinhui Yu, Pharmaceutical Sciences