New Students

WR 599 - Graduate Writing for English Language Learners

For students with TOEFL scores above the OSU minimums but who lack confidence in English composition for advanced academic purposes, this course focuses on graduate-level writing for English-language learners in all disciplines. It covers both grammatical issues that commonly arise within scholarly argumentation and rhetorical strategies for achieving greater clarity and persuasiveness in framing research methods and results. This new course was created in partnership with the School of Writing, Literature, and Film.

ID card and online accounts

On campus, the ID card is used for meal plans, Orange Cash (save 10% on food purchases), copy card, getting into the gym and more. Off campus, many businesses give discounts to students with an ID card. OSU Network Identification (ONID) is a universal computer account available to all OSU students. Your ONID username and password gives you access to university technology services, the wireless network, ResNet, IS computer labs, and the Interlibrary Loan. 

On-campus housing

Graduate student housing at OSU is designed to give you a living environment designed to fit the needs of OSU graduate students while offering flexible contracts and private spaces, within walking distance to academic buildings at OSU.

Halsell Hall is exclusively for second year and above students. Bloss Hall is exclusive to graduate students on the top (7th) floor and only sophomore and above students, or visiting scholars on lower floors. This is not a first-year resident community.

Graduate Student Commons

The Graduate Student Commons, located on the sixth floor of the Valley Library is a space for graduate students to utilize for studying, socializing, and meetings. There are three meeting rooms available for reservation: two small group rooms and a 24-seat classroom. There are also long-term research rooms available to reserve for students in the writing phase of their degree.

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