Projects for MS Non-Thesis in Environmental Sciences

An essential component of the M.S. non-thesis degree is a project guided by your major professor or cooperative educational experience with an off-campus business, industry, government agency, or research institute that is directly related to your area of study.



For all non-thesis projects, the first step is to develop a Project Proposal in collaboration with your major professor, which is then submitted to your graduate committee for signed approval. If any revisions need to be made because of unexpected events affecting progress they should be made as soon as possible.

Most students begin their project at the end of their first year of academic study, but this is flexible, depending on project opportunities and schedule requirements. A total of 6 project credits (ENSC 506) should be earned, which is equivalent to 3 months full-time work (i.e., 40 hours/week) or 80 hours/credit for a minimum of 480 hours required to complete the program. You can register for these credits either during one term (full-time) or over several terms based on project requirements.


You will be required to write and defend a Final Project Report. Follow the link for specific instructions and requirements.