Philip Mote

Phillip Mote

Philip Mote

Grad School Position
Vice Provost and Dean

Corvallis, OR
United States

Philip Mote is vice provost and dean of the Graduate School and remains active in the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute (OCCRI), which he directed from 2009 to 2019, and in climate communications. He served for several years in leadership of the 60,000-member American Geophysical Union, as president of Global Environmental Change, member of the Council, vice chair of the Council Leadership Team, and a member of the Board of Directors; and led the NOAA-funded Climate Impacts Research Consortium (2010-2019) and Dept of the Interior-funded Climate Science Center (2010-17).

He earned a B.A. in physics from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences from the University of Washington.

Executive Assistant to the Dean Kim LeMay

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