Grad Writing Group Challenge

Grad Writing Group Challenge


Welcome to the Grad Writing Group Challenge! The challenge is to form a writing group and then to meet (in-person or virtually) at least four times in February!

  Read the Guide          Register your Group

Whether you are forming a group to work on your thesis or dissertation, grant or job applications, or coursework, we hope these meetings help you achieve your writing goals.

Group members will be asked at the end of the challenge to summarize their work accomplished over the month; talking about accomplishments, progress made, improvements, etc.

All registered groups will be entered to win a free bag of goodies from the Graduate School. Ready to write?


There are two types of groups you can form: accountability or feedback.

Accountability writing groups are for graduate students who want to carve out concentrated time to write. The central goal of this type of group is to encourage making a space where you are accountable to your colleagues and them accountable to you for showing up and putting in the time. If this means simply checking in at the beginning of a Zoom call and sitting in silence writing together for the next hour or so, that’s perfect.

Feedback writing groups are where the members of your group engage in discussions critiquing your groupmates writing. There are several ways that these meetings can be designed, but the central goal is to improve your writing by listening to a colleague’s perspective on it.


Our quick start guide has everything you need to help set up your group for success, and how to check in with us to document your progress.

Need writing help right now? Visit the Graduate Writing Center and request a one-on-one writing session today. Questions about the writing group challenge? Email Cole Keady.