Graduate School Awards

The following scholarship and fellowship programs are administered by the Graduate School. In most cases, nominations must be submitted by academic unit administration. Students may review this list for eligibility and then contact their major professor or academic unit for consideration.

Please note, Graduate School awards are typically not a student’s primary funding source. In addition to Graduate School specific awards, students seeking funding for their degree should engage in conversations with their program directors and/or faculty about potential funding opportunities in their program.

Title Award Amount Deadline
ARCS Foundation Scholar Awards
The ARCS Foundation Oregon Chapter advances science and technology in the United States by providing financial awards to academically outstanding students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents studying to complete Ph.D. degrees in science, engineering, math, technology and medical research at Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon State University and the University of Oregon.

$18,000 over 3 years


CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) and ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards are made annually to domestic or international students who have completed dissertations representing original work that makes an unusually significant contribution to their disciplines. 



Delson Bridge to the Future Fund
Designed to assist graduate students who are facing critical financial emergencies that could impede degree completion.

Up to $1,000


Dissertation Completion Award
This award supports outstanding doctoral students who are in the final stages of their dissertations by offering an award to cover the cost of three graduate credits of tuition and mandatory fees for one academic term.

Cost of three graduate credits of tuition and mandatory fees for one academic term

Deadlines vary per term, view award webpage for more details

Ecampus Degree Completion Award
This award is intended to support Ecampus graduate students nearing completion of their graduate degree offered online through OSU’s Ecampus. This award is designed to provide tuition support to students during their final academic term of their degree.

one-time one-term tuition scholarship

See description for full listing of opening and deadline dates.

Ecampus Financial Hardship Grant
The Graduate School, in partnership with Oregon State Ecampus, has set aside funding to assist online students who are experiencing unexpected financial hardship that interferes with academic progress.

Up to $1,500

After careful consideration, the Ecampus Financial Hardship Grant as a standalone award has been discontinued. Ecampus students are now eligible to apply for the general Financial Impact Hardship Award which provides for similar assistance for graduate students who experience unexpected financial hardships that impeded, impact, or interfere with academic progress.

Eric Englund Memorial Postgraduate Award
Annual award for advanced study (e.g. masters or doctoral degree) in applied economics, food science and technology, kinesiology, human development and family studies, nutrition, physical therapy, or public health. Applicants must have graduated from any Oregon State University bachelor's or master's degree program to be eligible.

Fellowship (up to $30000); Scholarship ($5000)

Contact department for deadline

Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award
The Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award was established to recognize and encourage outstanding mentoring of graduate students by OSU Graduate Faculty members.



Excellence in Postdoctoral Mentoring Award
The award is open to faculty members who mentor OSU postdoctoral appointee(s) (Postdoctoral Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows) and who have done so for a minimum of 12 months prior to the nomination deadline.



The nomination period begins on September 30, 2024. All nominations must be submitted by 5 p.m., April 28, 2025. Awards will be determined in May 2024.

Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring by a Graduate Student Award
This award recognizes outstanding undergraduate research mentoring by OSU graduate students.



Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring by a Postdoc Award
This award recognizes outstanding undergraduate research mentoring by OSU Post Doctoral students.



Financial Impact Hardship Award
Open to all graduate degree-seeking students who have (1) at least 1/3 of credits completed + in-progress with their current academic degree, or (2) have successfully completed 24 credits, whichever is satisfied first. Students must also be currently enrolled and experiencing economic hardship that significantly impacts academic progress.

Awards may vary per year, but not exceed $2,000 per student per academic year

Opens June 24, 2024 for the 2024-2025 academic year

Flyfisher's Club of Oregon Graduate Scholarship
Annual award for graduate study involving endemic wild stocks of fish within watersheds of the state of Oregon.



Grad Advantage Tuition Scholarship
Applicant must be a graduate degree-seeking student at OSU. Applicant must have a GPA of 3.0 or above. Applicant must be making satisfactory academic progress, as determined by the graduate program and the Graduate School. Applicant must have completed the OSU Grad Advantage Self-Assessment tool.

Applicants are <u>ineligible for this award if: They have received a Grad Advantage Tuition Scholarship at any time during their graduate degree. They have previously enrolled in and received a grade for the selected course; this award will not fund subsequent attempts at a course. They are pursuing only a graduate certificate or other non-degree credential. They will have tuition funding through an assistantship, fellowship, or other funding source that fully covers their tuition during the term they intend to enroll in the select course.

one-course scholarship (maximum 3 credits at actual charged tuition rates) for enrollment in coursework at the Corvallis campus or Ecampus


awardees may use funds for course enrollment in Winter 2025. See description for additional deadlines for Winter, Spring, and Summer.

Graduate Dean’s Catalyst Fellowship
A pilot program launched for the 2023-2024 academic year to support graduate students nearing completion of their doctoral degrees.

Stipend, plus tuition waiver & subsidized health insurance for one academic term.

Deadlines vary per term; view award webpage for more details

Herbert F. Frolander Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistants
Annual award to recognize outstanding graduate teaching assistants at Oregon State University.



Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study
The fellowship program provides awards to pairs of dissertation advisors and graduate students based on what the HHMI values and considers essential components of the environment, particularly the institution and advisor’s commitment to creating a healthy academic ecosystem and the student’s potential for scientific leadership.

$36,000 per year + Research Allowance

check HHMI website for submission deadline

Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan
These non-need-based loans are available on a one-time basis to domestic and international enrolled graduate students to assist with educational expenses associated with their advanced degree.

One-time loans of up to $5,000

Deadlines vary per term; view award webpage for more details

Laurels Block Grant Program
The purpose of Laurels funding is to provide financial support to academic units so they may diversify and strengthen their graduate programs.

Varies; see award webpage for more details

Opens September 25, 2024; deadline November 5, 2024

Lenore Bayley Graduate Scholarship
Annual scholarship awarded to an OSU graduate student on the basis of academic merit and promise for the future.



Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship
Funds for this scholarship are provided through the Oregon State Lottery and will be awarded to domestic or international graduate students enrolled in an advanced degree program at Oregon State University. These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need.

Up to $5,000


Oregon Sylff Fellowship for International Research
The Sylff program aims to identify and nurture leaders who will overcome differences in nationality, language, ethnicity, religion, and political systems to tackle global issues, and whose high integrity and drive to address issues unique to their respective countries can make a real difference.

$15,000 annually


P.F. and Nellie Buck Yerex Graduate Scholarship
Annual scholarship for outstanding graduate students in a science or technology field.



PNNL-OSU Distinguished Graduate Research Program
The DGRP is designed to attract a select cohort of Ph.D. candidates with enhanced research opportunities unique to the National Lab system.


After careful consideration, the PNNL-OSU DGRP has been discontinued. The Graduate School is no longer soliciting or accepting applications for this award.

Postdoctoral Excellence Award
Nominee must be a current Postdoctoral Scholar or Fellow at OSU for at least one year, but not more than three years. Individuals may only receive this award once.



The nomination period begins on September 30, 2024. All nominations must be submitted by 5 p.m., April 28, 2025.

Prestigious Diversity Fellowship
This fellowship is intended to support the recruitment and retention of graduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who demonstrate scholarly promise at OSU.

Stipend, scholarship, plus tuition waiver & subsidized health insurance for one year.


Professional Development Award
The Graduate School invites students to apply for funding through the Professional Development Award to help cover costs for qualifying training, resources, and activities that contribute to professional skills development.

Up to $500

Summer 2024 funds exhausted. Requests open for Fall 2024 consideration on Monday, September 23, 2024

Promising Scholar Fellowship
This award is intended to support the recruitment of graduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who demonstrate scholarly promise at OSU. Eligible nominees must have participated in scholar programs that support undergraduate students from low income, first generation, and/or historically underrepresented backgrounds in their pursuit for graduate education.

Stipend, plus tuition waiver & subsidized health insurance for one year.


Provost's Distinguished Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships
The purpose of the Provost’s Distinguished Fellowship and Scholarship program is to support programs in the recruitment of Oregon State’s most meritorious graduate students.


Contact college or department for deadline

Scholarly Presentation Award
The Graduate School offers the Scholarly Presentation Award to provide graduate students with financial support to assist with certain costs associated with presenting their scholarly work at academic conferences and meetings.  

Up to $1,000

Summer 2024 funds exhausted. Requests open for Fall 2024 consideration on Monday, September 23, 2024

Thesis Completion Award
This award supports outstanding master’s students who are in the final stages of their theses by offering an award to cover the cost of three graduate credits of tuition and mandatory fees for one academic term.

Cost of three graduate credits of tuition and mandatory fees for one academic term

Deadlines vary per term; view award webpage for more details

Thurgood Marshall Graduate Fellowship
The Thurgood Marshall Graduate Fellowship is intended to support the retention of meritorious graduate students whose accomplishments and activities demonstrate leadership, service, and commitment to fostering a just and equitable community.

Stipend, plus tuition waiver & subsidized health insurance for one academic term.


WAGS/ProQuest Awards
Each year, the Graduate School at Oregon State University partners with the Western Association of Graduate Schools (WAGS) and ProQuest to solicit nominees in four award categories. This prestigious regional competition is an important opportunity for OSU to showcase innovation and creativity by our graduate students.

