Provost's Distinguished Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships

2025-2026 Award Cycle Information

The purpose of the Provost’s Distinguished Fellowship/Scholarship program is to support programs in the recruitment of OSU’s most meritorious graduate students. Newly admitted (i.e. for the 2025-2026 academic year) doctoral students, and newly admitted master’s students in degree programs where a Ph.D. degree does not exist at OSU, are eligible for nomination for either award. Recipients may receive either a Provost Fellowship or a Provost Scholarship but may not receive both. Graduate students pursuing a certificate only are ineligible for nomination.

  • As a Provost Fellowship, the student is awarded a 12-month stipend, disbursed in four equal installments; a matriculation fee waiver, if applicable; a partial mandatory fee waiver each term; an academic year tuition waiver; supplemental funds to cover the cost of enrollment in three graduate credits during summer term; and subsidized health insurance.
  • As a Provost Scholarship, the student is awarded a sum, disbursed in three equal installments. Scholarships may be offered in conjunction with a graduate assistantship or a fellowship (excluding Provost Fellowships), but neither is a requirement for receiving a Provost Scholarship. Part-time students are eligible for Provost Scholarships. Recipients must register for at least 3 credits each term of the award. 

Nomination form overview

2025-2026 Provost RFP

Provost Distribution Plan Form

Previous Award Cycles

PDF icon Provost 2019-2020

PDF icon Provost 2020-2021

PDF icon Provost 2021-2022

PDF icon Provost 2022-2023

PDF icon Provost 2023-2024

PDF icon Provost 2024-2025