Lauren Brooks was in the first cohort of the GCCUT program in 2013. She completed the GCCUT program in 2015 and graduated from OSU with a PhD in Microbiology in 2016. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of California, Merced.

Q&A with Lauren Brooks

Please briefly describe your new position and responsibilities at your job.

Currently my duties revolve around producing scholarly research, but there has been discussion of splitting my time next year (if I don't find a faculty position) between postdoc and lecturer.


Did your participation in the GCCUT program impact any part of your job attainment process?

There was discussion at the time of hiring of getting involved with teaching and I think it helped make me a better candidate for my current position. Additionally, my PI has felt comfortable allowing me to guest-lecture a few times.

I'm currently waiting for news from a tenure track position interview, and they were definitely impressed by the certificate and I totally credit it with my getting an interview!


What specific aspects of your participation in the GCCUT program impacted your job attainment process?

Compared to many I speak with, I place a high value on education and performing well in that aspect of academia.


Is there anything else you would add about your GCCUT experience that you think would interest prospective students?

I'm currently applying to a number of faculty positions at teaching focused colleges, and am receiving more positive feedback than I expected given the state of the job market in Biology. I think this is largely due to the GCCUT.


Lauren is now an Assistant Professor of Biology at Utah Valley University.